What is a Pre-Shipment Inspection?

Finished Product Inspection, also known as Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) is performed when between 80% and 100% of the merchandise has been manufactured and packaged.

This is a physical inspection of the product, made at the supplier´s factory. Our inspectors randomly select the parts to be inspected, following the AQL statistical sampling procedure.

PSI is a process that allows us to know the status and quality of the merchandise while helping us identify posible defects in the product. By being aware of the defects, our customers have the oportunity to correct them before their shipment is made.

What is it for?

In EsAsia we carry out personalized inspections for each client, adapting ourselves to the requirementes and standards of each one.

EsAsia has the ability to conduct a Pre-Shipment Inspection in Asia in 24 hours and send a detailed report the next day.